Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Fill light - Fill is used to lighten shadows and control Contrast and Lighting Ratios

Key light(main light)- may determine the character of the lighting like the mood 

Hair light - limited to the top of the head background light.

Shadowless- every angle is evenly light. 

Hard light - A relatively small, direct, usually focusable source, with or without lens, that produces strong High-lights and dark shadows.

Soft light- Diffused, Bounced, indirect light; the opposite of Hard Light.

Grey card-reflectance card used instead of a subject for a Reflected Light Meter reading.
Reflector- Variously shaped "bowls"  that shape and intensify a lamp's Beam.

Diffuser- A Translucent material placed in front of a Light to soften Highlights and Shadows, reduce Contrast and increase Beam Angle.

Intensity- The "strength" of the Incident Light.

Background light-Reveals the character of the background and helps separate it from the subject.

Thursday, January 14, 2016

Butterfly (or Paramount) -- 
  • 1. What effect does it create?
  • 2. Why use it?
  • 3. How many lights or light sources?
Loop -- 
  • 1. What effect does it create?
  • 2. Why use it?
  • 3. How many lights or light sources?
Rembrandt -- 
  • 1. What effect does it create? triangle on oppsite side of nose bc light to in front  to the side
  • 2. Why use it?
  • 3. How many lights or light sources?
Split --  
  • 1. What effect does it create?half face lit
  • 2. Why use it?
  • 3. How many lights or light sources?
Broad and Short -
  • 1. What effect does it create?
  • 2. Why use it?
  • 3. How many lights or light sources?

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Flash Photography Basic Concepts

Every Flash Photograph is two exposures in one.

Fill Flash can be used when subject is backlit or sidelit to eliminate silhouettes or shadows.

Flash exposure isn't affected by shutter speed.

Your camera measures ambient light and flash illumination separately.

With automatic flash metering, the flash illumination is measured after the shutter button is pressed, and the flash output is adjusted accordingly.

Every SLR camera with a mechanical shutter box has a maximum flash sync shutter speed.

Harsh lighting washed out subjects and red eye can be eliminated

Its posable to change the order of when the flash fires using 'Rear Curtain Sync."

Removing the flash from the top of the camera helps eliminates red eye and unflattering shadows.

1. Name of Tutorial?

Christmas photos with festive bokeh

2. Save and post an example of the type of photograph this tutorial produces?

3. What equipment do you need? (Make a list. Be specific.)
-little Christmas tree
-rubber bands
-black paper

4. List of important things to do to prepare for shoot? (Make a numbered list.)
5. List of important tips during shoot. (Make a numbered list.)

6. List of important tips on how to process in Lightroom (or other software) after shoot?